C. Bovet, H. Burkhardt, G. Geschonke, K.
Hanke, W. Herr, J. C. Juillard, E. Keil, E. Peschardt,
E. Rossa, G. Schröder, G. Vismara, Accumulation of Bunch Trains, CERN-SL-MD Note 87 (1993).
D. Brandt, H. Burkhardt, P. Collier, E. Ciapala,
K. Cornelis, V. Danilov, G. Geschonke, K. Hanke, A.
Hofmann, J. Jowett, E. Perevedentsev, E. Rossa, F.
Ruggiero, H.S chmickler, J. Uythoven, B. Zotter,
Bunch Current Limits with high Qs and Octupoles, CERN-SL-MD Note 94 (1993).
K. Hanke, Measurement of the Bunch Length of LEP with a Streak Camera
and Comparison with Results from LEP Experiments, Diplomarbeit
RWTH Aachen PITHA 94/1 and CERN-SL-Note 95-65 (BI)
K. Hanke, Measurement of the Bunch Length at the TESLA Test Facility Linac, conf.proc. Micro-Bunches Workshop, Upton
(NY), AIP conf. proc. 367 (1995).
J. Rossbach et al., Studies for a Free-Electron Laser at the TESLA Test
Facility, DESY-TESLA 95-11
K. Hanke, V.Schlott, K.Aulenbacher, H. H.Braun, F.Chautard, Beam Diagnostics using Coherent Transition
Radiation at the CLIC Test Facility, CERN
CLIC Note 29 (1996).
K. Hanke, Electron Bunch Length Monitors for the TESLA Test Facility, conf.proc.
DIPAC97, LNF97/048 (IR)(1997).
K. Hanke, Beam Diagnostics using Coherent Transition Radiation at the
TESLA Test Facility Linac, DESY-TESLA 97-14 (1997).
K. Hanke, Measurement of Picosecond Electron Bunches in a Linear
Accelerator, DESY-TESLA 97-19 (1997).
10. Y. Y. Divin, M. Geitz,
K. Hanke, U. Poppe, P. Schmüser, M. Tonutti, A Hilbert-Transform Spectrometer using a High-Tc
Josephson Junction for Bunch Length Measurements at the TTF Linac,
DESY-TESLA 98-10 (1998).
11. M.Geitz, K.Hanke,
P.Schmüser, Y.Y.Divin, U.Poppe, V.V.Pavlovskii, V.V.Shirotov, O.Y.Volkov, M.Tonutti, A Hilbert Transform Spectrometer using a High-Tc
Josephson Junction for Bunch Length Measurements at the TTF Linac,
EPAC98 (1998).
12. G. Arduini, M.
Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, J.-Y. Hemery, M. Martini, MAD and BeamOptics
Description of the TT2/TT10 Transfer Lines - Part I: Optics without Emittance
Exchange Insertion, CERN PS-Note-98-014
CA and CERN SL-Note-98-040 OP (1998).
13. G. Arduini, M.
Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, J.-Y. Hemery, Study of the TT2/TT10 Transfer Line Optics
via Transfer Matrix Measurement, CERN-PS-Note98-020
CA and CERN SL-Note-98-058 MD (1998).
14. Y. Y. Divin, U. Poppe,
K. Urban, O. Y. Volkov, V. V. Shiratov, V. V. Pavlovskii, P. Schmüser, K.
Hanke, M. Geitz, M. Tonutti, Hilbert-Tranform Spectroscopy with High-Tc Josephson
Junctions: First Spectrometers and First Applications, conf. proc. Applied
Superconductivity Conference, Palm Springs (1998).
15. K. Hanke, Betatron Matching and Dispersion Matching, proceedings of
the 9th Workshop on LEP-SPS Performance, Chamonix, CERN-SL-99-007 DI (1999).
16. G. Arduini, G.
Crockford, C. Despas, M. Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, D.
Manglunki, M. Martini, G. Metral, C. Niquille, Betatron and Dispersion Matching of the TT2/TT10 Transfer
Line for the 26 GeV/c Fast Extraction, CERN
PS-Note-99-007 CA and CERN SL-Note-00-003 MD (1999).
17. G. Arduini, G.
Crockford, C. Despas, M. Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, D.
Manglunki, M. Martini, G. Metral, C. Niquille,
TT2/TT10 Transfer Line Studies for the 14 GeV/c Continuous Transfer, CERN PS-Note-99-008 CA and CERN SL-Note-99-013
MD (1999).
18. G. Arduini, G.
Crockford, C. Despas, M. Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, D.
Manglunki, M. Martini, G. Metral, C. Niquille, Betratron and Dispersion Matching of the TT2/TT10 Transfer
Line for the Fixed-Target Lead Ion Beam, CERN
PS-Note-99-009 CA and CERN SL-Note-99-018 MD (1999).
19. G. Arduini, K. Hanke,
Tuning Knobs for the PS-SPS Transfer Line, conf.
proc. PAC99, New York1999 and CERN SL-99-021 OP (1999).
20. G. Arduini, M.
Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, D. Manglunki, M. Martini, G. Metral, Measurement and
Optimization of the PS-SPS Transfer Line Optics, conf.
proc. PAC99, New York1999 and CERN SL-99-014 OP, CERN PS-Note-99-022 CA (1999).
21. G. Arduini, X. Altuna,
C. Arimatea, R. Bailey, R. Billen, T. Bohl, K.
Cornelis, P. Collier, G. Crockford, K. Hanke, C. Despas,
B. Desforges, A. Faugier, A. Ferrari, G. Rossano, M.
Jonker, Acceleration of High Intensity Proton Beams in the SPS, conf. proc. PAC99, New York 1999 and CERN
SL-Note-99-028 OP (1999).
22. M. Geitz, K. Hanke, P. Schmüser, Y. Y. Divin, U. Poppe, V. V. Pavlovskii,
V. V. Shirotov, O. Y. Volkov, J. Menzel, M. Tonutti, A Hilbert Transform Spectrometer using a High-Tc
Josephson Junction for Bunch Length Measurements at the TESLA Test
Facility Linac, conf.proc, PAC99, New York (1999).
23. G. Arduini, R.
Colchester, G. Ferioli, M. Giovannozzi, J.-J. Gras, K. Hanke, D. J. Hopkins, R.
Jung, D. Manglunki, M. Martini, Mismatch Measurement and Correction Tools for
the PS-SPS Transfer of the 26 GeV/c LHC Beam, CERN PS-Note-99-014 CA and
CERN-SL-Note-99-032 MD (1999).
24. G. Arduini, K. Hanke,
Tuning Knobs for the PS-SPS Transfer line, conf. proc. Workshop on
Automated Beam Steering and Shaping (ABS), CERN
yellow report 99-07 (1999).
25. K. Hanke, R. Scrivens, Simulations
of an Induction Linac with Realistic Field
Configuration, CERN Neutrino Factory Note
17 and CERN PS/HP Note 2000-002 (2000).
26. K. Hanke, A. Lombardi,
R. Scrivens, Measurement of the Optics Parameters in the LTB and ITH Lines, CERN PS-Note 2000-003 PP (2000).
27. O. Camut,
K. Hanke, S. Kondrashev, H. Kugler, C. Meyer, B. Pincott, G. Probert, R. Scrivens, A. Shumshurov,
Imaging of High-Current and High Charge-State Ion Beams using a Sapphire
Scintillator, CERN PS-Note-2000-004 PP (2000).
28. K. Hanke, Muon Capture
and Acceleration without Phase Rotation and Cooling, conf. proc. Nufact00, Monterey, Nucl.Instr.Meth. A, Vol.451, No.1 and CERN Neutrino Factory
Note 39 (2000).
29. G. Franchetti, S.
Gilardoni, P. Gruber, K. Hanke, H. Haseroth, E. B.
Holzer, D. Küchler, A. M. Lombardi, R. Scrivens, Phase Rotation, Cooling and
Acceleration of Muon Beams: a Comparison of different Approaches, conf. proc.
Linac2000, Monterey and CERN Neutrino Factory Note 41 / CERN PS Note 2000-054 (2000).
30. G. Arduini, M.
Giovannozzi, K. Hanke, D. Manglunki, M. Martini, New Methods to derive the
Optical and Beam Parameters in Transport Channels, Nucl.
Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. A, Vol. 459, p.16-28 (2001) and CERN PS-Note-2000-060 AE (2000).
31. K. Hanke, Muon
Front-End without Cooling, CERN Neutrino
Factory Note 059 (2000).
32. S. Gilardoni, K. Hanke,
A. Perrin, Proposal of a Four Horn Capture Scheme, CERN Neutrino Factory Note 077
33. K. Hanke, Status
of Studies for a Muon Cooling Experiment, conf. proc. Nufact01, Tkukuba, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 503
(2003) 390-391 and CERN Neutrino Factory
Note 083 / CERN PS Note 049 (PP) (2001).
34. K. Hanke, S. Heising, G.
Probert, R. Scrivens, Comparison of Simulation Codes for the Beam Dynamics of
Low-Energy Ions, conf. proc. ICIS 2001, Oakland, Rev. Sci. Instr. and CERN PS Note 061 (2001).
35. K. Hanke, E. S. Kim, Beam Dynamics Study
of a Cooling Experiment based on the 88 MHz CERN Cooling Channel, CERN
Neutrino Factory Note 090 (2001).
36. K. H anke, S. Heising, R. Scrivens, Comparison of the Beam
Dynamics Solutions for Low Energy Beam Transport Systems for a Laser Ion Source at
CERN, CERN PS/PP Note 2001-004
37. M. Aleksa, J.-F. Amand,
R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, K. Hanke, E. B. Holzer, E. S. Kim, A. Lombardi, M.
Migliorati, S. Russenschuck, F. Tazzioli,
C. Vaccarezza, Beam Dynamics Study of a Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment,
CERN Neutrino Factory Note 108
and LNF-02/010 (IR) (2002).
38. K. Hanke, A. Lombardi,
Preliminary Design of an RFQ for the CERN Laser Ion Source, CERN PS/PP Note 2002-067 (2002).
39. M. Migliorati, L.
Palumbo, F. Tazzioli, C. Vaccarezza, K. Hanke, E. B.
Holzer, A. Lombardi, Beam Dynamics Study of a Muon Cooling Experiment with 200
MHz Cavities in the Framework of the CERN Cooling Study, conf. proc. EPAC02 (2002) and CERN
PS Note 2002-044 (PP) (2002).
40. J.-F. Amand, K.
Hanke, A. Lombardi, Possible Injection Schemes for the CERN Laser Ion Source
into Linac III, CERN
PS/PP Note 2002-104 (2002).
41. P. Eliasson, K.
Hanke, A. Lombardi, J. Sanchez, R. Scrivens, Study of the LT-LTB Line via
Transfer Matrix Measurements, CERN
PS/PP Note 2002-107 (2002).
42. M. Alsharo'a
et al., Status of Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory Research and Development
and Future Plans, FNAL-PUB02/149-E and MUC-PUB-PHYSICS-248
43. K. Hanke, A. Lombardi,
Design of a High-Intensity RFQ for a possible LHC Laser Ion Source, conf. proc. LINAC2002 and CERN PS Note
2002-055 (PP) (2002).
44. F. Caspers, K. Hanke, A.
Lombardi, A. Millich, A. Mostacci, M. Paoluzzi, M.
Vretenar, Design of a Chopper Line for the CERN SPL, conf. proc. LINAC2002 and CERN PS Note
2002-056 (RF) (2002).
45. G. Franchetti, S.
Gilardoni, K. Hanke, E. B. Holzer, A. Lombardi, M. Migliorati, F. Tazzioli, C. Vaccarezza, Muon Phase Rotation and Cooling:
Simulation Work at CERN,
conf. proc. Nufact02, CERN Neutrino
Factory Note 119 and CERN PS Note 2002-076 (PP) (2002).
46. P. Gruber (ed.) et
al, The Study of a European Neutrino Factory Complex, CERN PS Note 2002-080
(PP) (2002).
47. K. Hanke, Ionization
Cooling of Muons, ICFA Beam Dynamics
Newsletter 29 (2002).
48. G. Arduini, M. Giovannozzi,
K. Hanke, M. Martini, Measurement of Twiss Parameters and Dispersion in the
TT2/TT10 Transfer Line for Indium Ions, CERN AB Note 2003-087 (OP)
49. K. Hanke, J.
Sanchez-Conejo, Study of the Optics Parameters in the LT-LTB-BI Transfer Line, CERN AB Note 2003-092 (OP) (2003).
50. G. Arduini, H.
Burkhardt, K. Hanke, M. Martini, Lead Ion Transverse Emittance Blow-up at the
TT2/TT10 Stripper: Revised, CERN
AB Note 2003-095 (ABP) (2003).
51. M. Albert, G. Arduini,
R. Bailey, O. Bruning, P. Collier, K. Hanke, M. Lamont, S. Myers, S. Page, J.
Poole, F. Tecker, The AB-LHC Technical Review November 2003, CERN-AB-2004-013 (2004).
52. E. Metral, M. Benedikt,
K. Cornelis, R. Garoby, K. Hanke, A. Lombardi, C. Rossi, F. Ruggiero, M.
Vretenar, High-Intensity Proton Beams at CERN and the SPL Study, conf. proc. APAC 2004 (2004).
53. G. Arduini, M. Benedikt,
T. Bohl, C. Carli, S. Hancock, K. Hanke, E. Metral, F. Roncarolo, R.
Steerenberg, Pilot Bunch in the LHC Injector Chain, CERN AB Note 2004-050 (MD)
54. E. Sargsyan, K. Hanke, A.
Lombardi, Simulations of the Beam Diagnostics Line for the SPL 3MeV Chopper
Line, CERN AB Note 2004-053 (ABP)
55. R. Garoby, K. Hanke, A.
Lombardi, C. Rossi, M. Vretenar, F. Gerigk, Design of LINAC4, A New Injector
for the CERN Booster, conf. proc. LINAC2004
and CERN AB 2004-104 (2004).
56. C. Rossi, L. Bruno, F.
Caspers, R. Garoby, J. Genest, K. Hanke, M. Hori, D. Küchler, A. Lombardi, M. Magistris, A. Millich, M. Paoluzzi, E. Sargsyan, M. Silari, T. Steiner, M. Vretenar, P.-Y. Beauvais, P. Ausset, The SPL Front-End: A 3 MeV H- Test Stand
at CERN, conf. proc. LINAC2004 and
CERN AB 2004-102 (2004).
57. M. Benedikt, A. Blas, C.
Carli, M. Chanel, H. Fiebiger, A. Findlay, K. Hanke, J.-L. Sanchez-Alvarez, J.
Tan, P. Urschütz, Study of a New Working Point for
the CERN PS Booster, CERN AB Note
2004-064 MD (2004).
58. R. Garoby, K. Hanke, A.
Lombardi, C. Rossi, M. Vretenar, F. Gerigk, Linac4, A New H- Linear Injector at
CERN, conf.proc.
RUPAC 2004 and CERN AB 2005-012 (2005).
59. K. Hanke, R. Scrivens,
J. Sanchez-Conejo, Dispersion Matching of a Space-Charge Dominated Beam at
Injection into the CERN PS Booster, conf.
proc. PAC2005 and CERN-AB-2005-032
60. E. Shaposhnikova,
G. Arduini, T. Bohl, M. Chanel, S. Hancock, K. Hanke, R. Garoby, T. Linnecar, E. Metral, R. Steerenberg, B. Vandorpe, Recent
Intensity Increase in the CERN Accelerator Chain, conf. proc. PAC2005 and CERN-AB-2005-029 (2005).
61. K. Hanke, M. Hori,
Design and Construction of a Beam Shape and Halo Monitor for the CERN
SPL, CARE-Note-2005-013-HIPPI and
CERN AB-Note-2005-033 OP (2005).
62. K. Hanke, R. Garoby, F.
Gerigk, A. M. Lombardi, C. Rossi, M. Vretenar, S. Chel, R. Duperrier, D. Uriot, P. Pierini,
Superconducting Proton Linac Development at CERN, conf. proc HPSL2005, Naperville,
and CERN-AB-2005-053 (2005).
63. F. Gerigk, R. Garoby, K.
Hanke, A. M. Lombardi, M. Pasini, C. Rossi, E. Sargsyan, T. Sieber, M.
Vretenar, Progress in the Design of Linac4, the SPL Normal-Conducting
Front-End, conf. proc HPSL2005,
Naperville, and CERN-AB-2005-055 (2005).
64. K. Hanke, An Achromatic
Optics for the Linac2 to Booster Transfer Line, AB-Note_2006-001 OP (2006).
65. J.-B. Lallement, K. Hanke,
M. Hori, A. M. Lombardi, E. Z. Sargsyan, Measurement Strategy for the CERN
Linac4 Chopper Line, conf. proc.
ICFA-HB2006 Tsukuba (2006).
66. M. Benedikt, M. Chanel,
K. Hanke, Performance of Nominal and Ultimate LHC Beams in the CERN PS-Booster,
conf. proc. EPAC2006, Edinborough (2006).
67. R. Garoby, G. Bellodi,
F. Gerigk, K. Hanke, A. M. Lombardi, M. Pasini, C. Rossi, E. Z. Sargsyan, M.
Vretenar, Linac4, A New Injector for the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc. EPAC2006, Edinborough, and CERN-AB-2006-027
68. F. Gerigk (ed.) et al,
Conceptual Design of the SPLII, CERN-2006-006
69. F. Gerigk et al., The
SPL (II) at CERN, a Superconducting 3.5GeV H- Linac, conf.proc.
LINAC06, Knoxville TN and CERN-AB-2006-081
70. L. Arnaudon,
P. Baudrenghien, M. Baylac, G. Bellodi, Y. Body, J. Borburgh,
P. Bourquin, J. Broere, O. Brunner, L. Bruno, C. Carli, F. Caspers, S.
Cousineau, Y. Cuvet, C. De Almeida Martins, T. Dobers, T. Fowler, R. Garoby, F.
Gerigk, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, M. Hori, M. Jones, K. Kahle, W. Kalbreier, T. Kroyer, D. Küchler, A. M. Lombardi, L. A.
López-Hernandez, M. Magistris, M. Martini, S. Maury,
E. Page, M. Paoluzzi, M. Pasini, U. Raich, C. Rossi, J. P. Royer, E. Sargsyan,
J. Serrano, R. Scrivens, M. Silari, M. Timmins, W.
Venturini-Delsolaro, M. Vretenar, R. Wegner, W. Weterings,
T. Zickler, Linac4 Technical Design Report, CERN-AB-2006-084
71. M. Vretenar, G. Bellodi,
R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, K. Hanke, A. M. Lombardi, S. Maury, M. Pasini, C. Rossi,
E. Z. Sargsyan, Linear Accelerator Designs for the Upgrade of the CERN Proton
Injector Complex (Linac4, SPL), conf.proc. APAC 2007, Indore, and CARE-Conf-07-002-HIPPI (2007).
72. W. Weterings, G.
Bellodi, J. Borburgh, T. Fowler, F. Gerigk, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, M.
Martini, L. Sermeus, 160 MeV H- Injection into the CERN PSB, conf. proc. PAC 2007, Albuquerque NM
and CERN-AB-2007-043
73. M. Hori, K.
Hanke, Spatial and Temporal Beam Profile Monitor with nanosecond resolution for
CERN's Linac4 and Superconducting Proton Linac, Nucl.Instr.Meth.
A, 588 (2008) 359-374.
74. K. Hanke, G. Bellodi, J.-B.
Lallement, A. Lombardi, B. Mikulec, M. Pasini, U. Raich, E. Sargsyan, M. Hori,
Diagnostics and Measurement Strategy for the CERN Linac4, conf.proc.
LINAC08, Victoria (2008).
75. M. Vretenar, C. Carli, R. Garoby, F.
Gerigk, K. Hanke, A. M. Lombardi, S. Maury, C. Rossi, Status of the Linac4
Project at CERN, conf.proc.
LINAC08, Victoria (2008).
76. M. Vretenar, C. Carli, R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, K. Hanke, A. M.
Lombardi, S. Maury, C. Rossi, The Linac4 Project: Overview and Status, conf. proc. HHH workshop,
CERN (2009).
77. E. Shaposhnikova,
T. Bohl, H. Damerau, K. Hanke, T. Linnecar, B.
Mikulec, J. Tan, J. Tuckmantel, Reference Measurements of the Longitudinal
Impedance in the CERN SPS, conf.
proc. PAC2009, Vancouver (2009).
78. A. Blas, C. Carli, A. Findlay, R.
Garoby, S. Hancock, K. Hanke, B. Mikulec, M. Schokker, Studies on Single Batch
Transfer of LHC Type Beams between the CERN PS Booster and the PS, conf. proc. PAC2009,
Vancouver and CERN-ATS-2009-037
79. B. Mikulec, A. Blas, C. Carli, A.
Findlay, K. Hanke, G. Rumolo, J. Tan, LHC Beams from the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc. PAC2009,
Vancouver and CERN-ATS-2009-070 (2009).
80. B. Mikulec, M. Chanel, A. Findlay,
K. Hanke, D. Quatraro, G. Rumolo, J. Tan, R. Tomas, High Intensity Beams from
the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc.
PAC2009, Vancouver and CERN-ATS-2009-069 (2009).
81. B. Mikulec, G. Bellodi, M. Eshraqui, K. Hanke, T. Hermanns, S. Lanzone, A. Lombardi,
U. Raich, Linac4 Beam Characterisation before
Injection into the CERN PS Booster, conf.
proc. PAC2009, Vancouver (2009).
82. C. Carli, R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, K.
Hanke, A. M. Lombardi, R. Maccaferri, S. Maury, S.
Ramberger, C. Rossi, M. Vretenar, Construction Status of Linac4, conf. proc. PAC2009,
Vancouver (2009).
83. K. Hanke, B. Mikulec, T. Hermanns,
Transverse Emittance Measurement with the Three-Monitor-Method at the CERN
Linac4 , CERN sLHC project report 0029 (2009).
84. K. Hanke, T. Hermanns, Measurement
of the Energy Distribution of the CERN Linac4 160MeV H- Beam close to the PS
Booster Injection, CERN sLHC project report 0033 (2010).
85. K. Hanke, C. Carli, R. Garoby, F. Gerigk,
A. Lombardi, S. Maury, C. Rossi, M. Vretenar, Status of the Linac4 Project at
CERN, conf.proc
IPAC 2010, Kyoto.
86. C. Carli, J.-F. Comblin, A. Findlay,
S. Hancock, K. Hanke, B. Mikulec, Single-Batch Filling of the CERN PS for
LHC-type Beams, conf.proc,
IPAC 2010, Kyoto.
87. P. Freyermuth, D. Cotte, M.
Delrieux, H. Genoud, S. Gilardoni, K. Hanke, O. Hans,
S. Mataguez, G. Metral, F. Peters, R. Steerenberg, B. Vandorpe, CERN Proton
Synchrotron Working Point Matrix for Extended Pole Face Winding Powering
Scheme, conf. proc. IPAC 2010,
88. B. Mikulec, G. Bellodi, K. Hanke, T. Hermanns, M. Eshraqi, Diagnostic Lines for the 160 MeV H- Linac4 at CERN, conf. proc. Linac
2010, Tsukuba, and CERN-ATS-2010-214.
89. M. Hori, K. Hanke, A Time-resolved SEM Monitor with
Large Dynamic Range, conf. proc. HB2010,
Morschach (2010).
90. The IDS-NF collaboration, International Design Study
for the Neutrino Factory, IDS-NF-017
91. R. Steerenberg et al., Performance Reach of the
Injectors in 2011, Chamonix 2011 Workshop
on LHC Performance, Chamonix, France, 24 - 28 Jan 2011, pp.336-343.
92. K. Hanke et al, Possibility of a higher PSB to PS
Transfer Energy, Chamonix 2011 Workshop on
LHC Performance, Chamonix, France, 24 - 28 Jan 2011, pp.344-348.
93. C. Carli, M. Benedikt, H. Damerau, R. Garoby, B.
Goddard, K. Hanke, S. Hancock, S.Gilardoni,
Alternative/Complementary Possibilities, Chamonix
2011 Workshop on LHC Performance, Chamonix, France, 24 - 28 Jan 2011,
94. K. Hanke et al., Study of a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron
to Replace the CERN PS Booster, conf.
proc. IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, and CERN-ATS-2011-054
95. K. Hanke et al, Study of an Energy
Upgrade of the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc. IPAC 2011, San
Sebastian, and CERN-ATS-2011-055
96. B. Salvant et al, Probing Intensity
Limits of LHC-type Bunches in the CERN SPS with Nominal Optics, conf.
proc. IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, and CERN-ATS-2011-176
97. M. Vretenar et al, The Linac4
Project at CERN, conf. proc. IPAC 2011, San
Sebastian, and CERN-ATS-2011-041
98. R. Garoby, S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard,
K. Hanke, M. Meddahi, M. Vretenar, Plans for the Upgrade of the LHC Injectors, conf.
proc. IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, and CERN-ATS-2011-185
99. M. Fitterer, M. Benedikt, H.
Burkhardt, C. Carli, R. Garoby, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, H. Schönauer,
A.-S. Müller, Lattice Design of a RCS as Possible Alternative to the PS Booster
Upgrade, conf. proc. IPAC 2011, San
Sebastian, and CERN-ATS-2011-165
MICE collaboration, The MICE Muon Beam
on ISIS and the beam line instrumentation of the Muon Ionization Cooling
Goddard et al., Can the Proton Injectors meet the HL-LHC Requirements after
LS2?, proc. Chamonix 2012 Workshop on LHC
Performance, Chamonix, France, 6 - 10 Feb 2012, pp.325-331 (2012).
Bartosik et al, Performance potential of the injectors after LS1, proc. Chamonix 2012 Workshop on LHC
Performance, Chamonix, France, 6 - 10 Feb 2012, pp.268-275 (2012).
M. M. Paoluzzi, M. Haase, L. Arnaudon,
N. S. Chritin, B. Mikulec, K. Hanke, T. Tardy, Studies on a Wideband, Solid-state
driven RF System for the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc. IPAC 2012, New Orleans,
and CERN-ATS-2012-113
W. Weterings, B. Balhan, J.
Borburgh, C. Bracco, C. Carli, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, C. Maglioni,
B. Mikulec, R. Noulibos, J. Tan, Status of the 160 MeV H- Injection into the
CERN PSB, conf. proc.
IPAC 2012, New Orleans, and CERN-ATS-2012-212
H. Damerau, R. Garoby, S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, K.
Hanke, A. Lombardi, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, E. Shaposhnikova,
M. Vretenar, Upgrade Plans for the LHC Injector Complex, conf. proc. IPAC 2012, New Orleans,
and CERN-ATS-2012-111
Arnaudon et al., Progress in the Construction of
Linac4 at CERN, conf.
proc. Linac2012, Tel Aviv (2012).
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proc. HB2012, Beijing (2012).
Steerenberg et al., Post LS1 25 ns and 50 ns Options from the Injectors, proc.
LHC Beam Operation workshop 17-20 December 2012, Evian, France (2012).
Hanke et al., Status of the Upgrade of the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc. IPAC 2013,
Shanghai (2013) and CERN-ATS-2013-063
K. Hanke, W. Bartmann, J. Cole, A. Newborough, S.
Pittet, T. Stora, D. Voulot, R. Fernandes Luis, A possible Scheme to deliver 2 GeV
Beams from the CERN PS Booster to the ISOLDE Facility, conf. proc. IPAC 2013,
Shanghai (2013) and CERN-ACC-2013-0024
Garoby, H. Damerau, S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, A. Lombardi, D.
Manglunki, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, L. Ponce, E. Shaposhnikova,
R. Steerenberg, M. Vretenar, Status and Plans for the Upgrade of the LHC
Injectors, conf. proc. IPAC 2013,
Shanghai (2013) and CERN-ATS-2013-059
Hanke, Past and Present Operation of the CERN PS Booster, IJMPA Vol. 28, No.
13 (2013).
Hanke, H. Damerau, A. Deleu, A. Funken, R. Garoby, S. S. Gilardoni, N. Gilbert,
B. Goddard, E. B. Holzer, A. M. Lombardi, D. Manglunki, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec,
E. Shaposhnikova, M. Vretenar, Status of the LIU
Project at CERN, conf. proc. IPAC
2014, Dresden (2014) and CERN-ACC-2014-0125
Bartmann, J. L. Abelleira, K. Hanke, M. Kowalska, Upgrades of the CERN PS
Booster Ejection Lines, conf.
proc. IPAC 2014, Dresden (2014) and CERN-ACC-2014-0202 (2014).
Vretenar, A. Akroh, L. Arnaudon, P. Baudrenghien, G.
Bellodi, J. C. Broere, O. Brunner, J.-F. Comblin, J. Coupard, V. Atanasov
Dimov, J.-F. Fuchs, A. Funken, F. Gerigk, E. Granemann
Souza, K. Hanke, J. Hansen, I. Kozsar, J.-B. Lallement, F. Lenardon, J. Lettry,
A. M. Lombardi, C. Maglioni, O. Midttun, B. Mikulec,
D. Nisbet, M. M. Paoluzzi, U. Raich, S. Ramberger, F. Roncarolo, C. Rossi,
J.-L. Sanchez Alvarez, R. Scrivens, J. Tan, C. A. Valerio, J. Vollaire, R.
Wegner, S. Weisz, M. Yarmohammadi Satri,
F. Zocca, Status and Plans for Linac4 Installation and Commissioning, conf. proc. IPAC 2014, Dresden
(2014) and CERN-ACC-2014-0143
Hanke et al, Status of the LHC Injector Complex, proc. Chamonix 2014 Workshop
on LHC Performance, Chamonix, France, Sept. 2014, pp.xxx-xxx
Gilardoni et al, Long-Term Beam Losses in the CERN Injector Chain, conf. proc. 54th ICFA Advanced Beam
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HB2014, 10-14 November 2014, East Lansing.
Bartmann et al, New PSB H- Injection and
2 GeV Transfer to the CERN PS, conf.
proc. 54th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and
High-Brightness Hadron Beams, HB2014, 10-14 November 2014, East
De Maria et al, The High Luminosity Challenge: Potential and Limitations of
High Intensity High Brightness Beams in the LHC and its Injectors, conf. proc. 54th ICFA Advanced Beam
Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams,
HB2014, 10-14 November 2014, East Lansing.
Coupard, H. Damerau, A. Funken, R. Garoby, S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, K. Hanke,
A. Lombardi, D. Manglunki, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova, M. Vretenar, LHC Injectors Upgrade Technical
Design Report Vol. I: Protons, CERN-ACC-2014-0337.
Hanke et al, Status and Plans for the Upgrade of the CERN PS Booster, conf. proc. IPAC 2015,
Richmond (2015) and CERN-ACC-2015-xxx (2015).
Meddahi et al, LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project at CERN, conf. proc. IPAC 2015,
Richmond (2015).
J.Coupard, H. Damerau, A. Funken, R. Garoby, S.
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Scrivens, E. Shaposhnikova (ed.), LHC Injectors
Upgrade Technical Design Report Vol. II: Ions, CERN-ACC-2016-0041.
A. Rodriguez et al, Beam Commissioning of the HIE-ISOLDE Post-Accelerator, conf. proc. IPAC 2016,
Busan (2016).
J. A. Rodriguez et al, First Operational
Experience of HIE-ISOLDE, conf. proc. IPAC 2016,
Busan (2016).
126. J. Coupard, H. Damerau, A. Funken, S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, A. Lombardi, I. Kobzeva, D. Manglunki, S. Mataguez, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, R. Scrivens, G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova, M Vretenar, LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project at CERN, conf. proc. IPAC 2016, Busan (2016).
Hanke, J. Coupard, H. Damerau, A. Funken, B. Goddard, A. M. Lombardi, D.
Manglunki, S. Mataguez, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, G. Rumolo, R. Scrivens, E. Shaposhnikova, M. Vretenar, The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU)
Project at CERN: Proton Injector Chain, conf.
proc. IPAC 2017, Copenhagen (2017).
128. H. Bartosik, S. Albright, ME. Angoletta, G. Bellodi, N. Biancacci, T. Bohl, J. Coupard, H. Damerau, A. Funken, B. Goddard, S. Hancock, K. Hanke, A. Huschauer, J. Jowett, V. Kain, D. Kuchler, D. Manglunki, M. Meddahi, G. Rumolo, R. Scrivens, E. Shaposhnikova, V. Toivanen, F. Wenander, The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project at CERN: Ion Injector Chain, conf. proc. IPAC 2017, Copenhagen (2017).
129. J. L. Abelleira, G. P. Di Giovanni, K. Hanke, B. Mikulec, Emittance Measurements for Future LHC Beams using the PS Booster Measurement Line, CERN-ACC-Note-2017-0055
130. K. Hanke, S. Albright, R. Alemany Fernandez, H. Bartosik, E. Shaposhnikova, H. Damerau, G. P. Di Giovanni, B. Goddard, A. Huschauer, V. Kain, A. Lasheen, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, G. Rumolo, R. Scrivens, F. Tecker, High-Brightness Challenges for the Operation of the CERN Injector Complex, conf. proc. HB2018, Daejeon (2018).
131. M. Meddahi, R. Alemany, H. Bartosik, G. Bellodi, J. Coupard, H. Damerau, G.P. Di Giovanni, A. Funken, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, A. Huschauer, V. Kain, A. Lombardi, B. Mikulec, F. Pedrosa, S. Prodon, G. Rumolo, R. Scrivens, E. Shaposhnikova, LHC Injectors Upgrade Project: Towards New Territory Beam Parameters, conf. proc. IPAC 2019, Melbourne (2019).
132. K. Hanke, K. Huebner, The CERN 25 GeV Proton Synchrotron – The Backbone of CERN celebrated its 60th Anniversary, Journal of the Swiss Physical Society No 61 June 2020, p. 32 and CERN-ACC-2020-0013.
V. Kain et al, Achievements and
Performance Prospects of the Upgraded LHC Injectors, conf. proc. IPAC 2022,
Bangkok (2022).
F. Carra et al, FCC-ee Arc Half-Cell: Preliminary Design & Integration
studies, with Ideas for a Mock-up, conf.
proc. IPAC 2023, Venice (2023).
F. Valchokova-Georgieva,
J.-P. Corso, K. Hanke, Challenges and Solutions in the Integration Studies of
the Future Circular Collider, conf.
proc. IPAC 2023, Venice (2023).
F. Carra et al, First
Considerations on the Supporting Structures of FCC-ee
Booster and Collider in the Arc Regions, JINST_07T_0423.
G. Rumolo et al, Beam Performance
with the LHC Injectors Upgrade, conf.
proc. HB2023, Geneva (2023).
F. Valchkova-Georgieva, O.
Brunner, J-P. Burnet, J. Coupard, K. Hanke, V. Parma, F. Peauger, Integration
of FCC-ee RF Systems Targets and Challenges, conf.
proc. IPAC 2024, Nashville (2024).